Historically, fire thinned conifers and understory trees for us, leading to a healthy forest. The result of years of suppressing wildfires has left many forests filled with dense understory conifers. These high densities increase stress on trees, making them more susceptible to disease and insects, such as spruce bud worm. This dense mat of conifers also increase the risk of intense forest fires, potentially threatening property. Thinning can promote healthy vigorous trees, increase species diversity, and reduce the chances of intense wildfires on your property.
Photo of woods before thinning cut.
Photo of woods after thinning cut. We removed all dead/declining conifers under 8" diameter.
Here you can see a recently thinned area, and in the background an area yet to be thinned.
Same property as above a year after thinning cut.
Living with Fire in Minnesota Arrowhead Region [USFS Website Link]
Arrowhead Fire Adapted Communities [Website Link]
Time-lapse of conifer thinning.